Add a new product

Create a product parent category:

  1. From the Merp sidebar, navigate Products > Product Category.
  2. Click the New button to create a parent category.
  3. In the Naming section, enter a product category Name.
  4. Add a Category Description (if required).
  5. Click Green Tick button to save the category.



Create a child category:

  1. From the Merp sidebar, navigate Products > Product Category.
  2. Select a parent category, click Plus button.
  3. In the Naming section, enter a product category Name.
  4. Add a Category Description (if required).
  5. Click Green Tick button to save the category.

Create a Brand/Manufacture.

  1. From the Merp sidebar, navigate Products > Brand.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. In the Naming section, enter a brand Name.
  4. Add a Description (if required).
  5. Click Green Tick button to save the category.

Add a new product

  1. From the Merp sidebar, navigate Products > Product List.
  2. Click New button.
  3. Enter your product information into the fields provided.
  4. In the Images section, click the New button to upload a product image.
  5. Tick Show on Web checkbox.

    Show on Web: SOW products can be sold through all channels including eBay, web shop and control panel. If untick SOW, the product cannot be sold.
  6. Click Save.